This article analyses the process of Montenegro’s integration into NATO and the European Union (EU) from a constructivist perspective. Constructivism, in the field of International Relations, describes that international actors are not only guided by material interests, such as security and power but are also influenced by the norms, values, and identities they share. From this approach, the identity of a state is not fixed but is constructed and transformed through interaction with other actors and the adoption of new norms. Montenegro, in seeking to align itself with Western institutions, not only pursues strategic benefits but also seeks to redefine its national identity as a democratic and modern state. A key concept in this context is normative socialization, which refers to the process by which a state internalizes the norms and principles of an international community. Through normative socialization, Montenegro has adopted reforms that reflect Euro-Atlantic values, such as democratic governance, strengthening the rule of law, and civilian control over the armed forces. However, this process has not been without challeng es. Nevertheless, Montenegro has used integration to project a new pro-Western identity and consolidate its internal stability. The article concludes that the case of Montenegro illustrates how international organizations can act as agents of socialization, influencing the identity and political transformation of a candidate state in its accession process.
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