Research Article



The concept of human dignity has appeared since Greek and Roman times. It continues with the development of Christianity and Islam, in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and until nowadays. After 1945, it became an imperative revitalization and reinforced the concept of human dignity. Based on that, the obligation to respect the notion of human dignity has been included in international conventions and constitutional systems of many countries. With social and technological progress, human dignity also appears in health care, connecting law and bioethics concerning situations likely to arise from the start to the end of life. Human dignity represents human beings not only as of the central part of nature but as a component of harmony with others elements, aware of its responsibility for transformation and changing the system of production and consumption. Bioethics generally can be classified as a branch of ethics, but it is also interdisciplinary science; it's started in biology and medicine, developed in philosophy and ended in constitutions and laws.


human dignity bioethics law ethics production consumptions philosophy.