Research Article



The pandemic defined as an epidemic spread to larger regions is not unknown in the world. There are many pandemics in history that have had far-reaching consequences for humanity like plague, cholera, flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARSCoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). But so far there has been no pandemic of this magnitude and such consequences as the Covid-19 pandemic, with so many infected and dead people. It has literally paralyzed life and led to unprecedented health, economic, political consequences on a global scale. The blow from Covid-19 was so great that even after almost two years we can not say with certainty when and if we will return to normal life at all, i.e. life before the pandemic. Many countries around the world are still struggling to fight the virus. As was the case in every area, Covid-19 had a serious impact on the legal systems. Many countries were not ready to deal with the coronavirus with appropriate legislation in terms of implementing appropriate measures to help their citizens. Thus, due to the urgency of the situation, new laws to combat the coronavirus were adopted in a speedy manner, and in some countries a number of decrees with a force of law were adopted in a state of emergency such as the case of North Macedonia. In this paper I will refer to the content of some of those decrees in North Macedonia, the need for them, the disputed provisions, especially those that directly violate the basic human rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia. The key question that needs to be answered is the appropriateness of those measures contained in the decrees, whether and to what extent they prevented the spread of the virus. But it is also equally important to find the answer to the question of the role of the legal systems, whether law as such will continue to exist in the same form and with the same content or we are already in the process of creating the so-called pandemic law.


human rights decrees pandemic laws restrictions Covid-19