Research Article



This paper describes two faces of decolonization: the historical part from its beginning and the analytical part its impact in the International Relation. The purpose of this paper is to describe how much the colonization and decolonization has influenced the development of states in International Relations till today. Decolonization in most discussed cases is automatically connected with the rise of new states based in nationhood. Security, freedom, order, justice, and welfare are at least five basic social values that states are usually expected to uphold, and three basic traditional International Relation theories regard the state system as a valuable core institution of modern life and recognize the significance of these basic values. From the historical perspective and from the analysis of many authors on the issue of decolonization, three waves of decolonization are usually counted, but in more detail some authors count up to six waves. The analytical part of the paper proves that with decolonization was opened a worldwide international system, the power of influence passed from the Europeans to the USA and the Soviet Union, self-determination replaced imperialism, superpowers gradually weakened with the economic and moral rise of other highly developed countries moving to a polycentric world, European decolonization in the Third World more than tripled the membership of the UN, state system became completely global, Third World took its place as a new player in the international arena, the problem of weak and fragile states became more important. 57 The analyses is based on the information taken from scholar books of different authors, research articles from credible journals and information and documents from official web sites of certain named institutions. We used descriptive and analytical method to arrive at the conclusion of this topic, proving theoretically and practically that decolonization has had a huge impact in international relations in the whole world.
